MA.ECO. S.R.L. is leader in the maintenance of equipments for treatment smokes
MA.ECO. S.R.L. industrial maintenance since the 2008 thanks to the intuition of its owners to give the answers to some demands manifested by own clients.
works in
Since then, we have been created a specific sector inside our company, enriched more always every day from increases technical competences of our people.
Now, our company is European leader in the field of maintenance of equipments for treatment smokes as Electrostatic Filters or Electrofilters or Electrostatic Precipitator or ESP, further to activities of maintenance Bags Filters, DENOX Catalysts and other systems of purification air / smokes.
We execute with our people global service finalized to guarantee to the client also the supply of the all components and the necessary technical documentation to checking in the middle and in the long time the efficiency of single Filter.
For the our experience in this sector and for the many partnerships with manufactures companies of the single components and equipments, we are able to answer all demands of our clients and to propose functional and technical solutions to different problems.
The efficiency and the more functionality of the equipments is the our mission together with the timeliness in the supply of the many components required.
Our clients are followed with a lot of attention and, normally, we execute preliminary visits in the sites to analyze better the single demands and to propose possible solutions.
MA.ECO. has among own clients important company located in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and has also effected works in England and Scotland.
Today, the European continent is our principal area of market but we is already looking to other important geographical areas.
Besides, in the vision of a continuous and incessant process of improvement, MA.ECO. has already been acquiring, begin many years, the certifications ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for own productive and managerial process.
We propose us so to reach always new and important objectives of technical and qualitative growth for the services offered setting to the center of our work the demands of our clients.
works in
Since then, we have been created a specific sector inside our company, enriched more always every day from increases technical competences of our people.
Now, our company is European leader in the field of maintenance of equipments for treatment smokes as Electrostatic Filters or Electrofilters or Electrostatic Precipitator or ESP, further to activities of maintenance Bags Filters, DENOX Catalysts and other systems of purification air / smokes.
We execute with our people global service finalized to guarantee to the client also the supply of the all components and the necessary technical documentation to checking in the middle and in the long time the efficiency of single Filter.
For the our experience in this sector and for the many partnerships with manufactures companies of the single components and equipments, we are able to answer all demands of our clients and to propose functional and technical solutions to different problems.

The efficiency and the more functionality of the equipments is the our mission together with the timeliness in the supply of the many components required.
Our clients are followed with a lot of attention and, normally, we execute preliminary visits in the sites to analyze better the single demands and to propose possible solutions.
MA.ECO. has among own clients important company located in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and has also effected works in England and Scotland.
Today, the European continent is our principal area of market but we is already looking to other important geographical areas.
Besides, in the vision of a continuous and incessant process of improvement, MA.ECO. has already been acquiring, begin many years, the certifications ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for own productive and managerial process.
We propose us so to reach always new and important objectives of technical and qualitative growth for the services offered setting to the center of our work the demands of our clients.